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Benefits of employee wellness programs
According to a 2013 study by the International Labor Organization, around 86% percent of American men and 67% percent of American women work more than 40 hours per week. In America, we work more hours per year than Japanese workers, British workers and French workers. Combined with our culture’s increasing dependence on electronics for entertainment, many Americans are inevitably overweight and out of shape. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nearly 2 in 3 employees do not get enough exercise. Because of this, workplace wellness programs are more important than ever. So what exactly is workplace wellness and how can it benefit your company?

Workplaces are important in improving the health of their workers. Most adults spend more of their waking hours at work than anywhere else, which makes it a prime venue for promoting more healthful habits.

The workplace organizational culture and environment are powerful influences on behavior. This is a potential tool in helping your employees adopt healthier lifestyles.


There are three categories that encompass a comprehensive worksite wellness program:


Screening activities help identify individual health risks;

Preventive interventions such as weight reduction counseling address manifest risks;

Health promotion activities help further healthy lifestyle changes.


Wellness programs can constitute a less than 1% investment of total health care costs, and reduce medical expenses by 2 to 3 percentage points below industry trend.

Is corporate wellness right for my company?

Worksite wellness programs provide the company with strategic advantages by investing money in a program that will hopefully bring them lowered expenses in return, often in the form of better performing workers, and lower absenteeism and health care costs.


Specific benefits include:


  • Enhanced recruitment and retention of healthy employees

  • Reduced healthcare costs

  • Decreased rates of illness and injuries

  • Reduced employee absenteeism

  • Improved employee relations and morale

  • Increased productivity


A U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report in 2002 revealed that at worksites with wellness programs, employers have:


  • Reduced healthcare costs by 20 to 55 percent

  • Reduced short-term sick leave by six to 32 percent

  • Increased productivity by two to 52 percent


In addition:


  • 51% of US employers offer employee wellness programs

  • Employers with wellness programs show 13% decrease in obesity among employees over a 5 year period

  • More than 60% of employers state that wellness  program reduce overall health costs

Other corporate wellness statistics
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